Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Back at the hospital

Gigi has bloodclots in both of her legs, so we are back in the hospital again. -Sigh- I think I have mentioned before how much I hate hospitals, but just in case I haven't... I BLOODY HATE HOSPITALS!!!! Lol. We have no idea how long she's going to be here either... the dr who came in this morning said it didn't look like they were ready to release her anytime soon... and I know that they are going to have the physical therapists come in and work with her. That'll put her in a good mood... NOT! Ugh... I think I'm going to start seeing Stroke Shirley before too long. As it is she's already a little more snippy with me than ever before. Maybe she'll be ok when she gets a little rest. Anyway.. in other news.. I have decided that I want to start writing more. I love to write short stories and such, but I've been drawing a blank on what to write about. I have decided to try an exercise I was fond of when I took my Creative Writing class in high school... I will look for pictures and art that I find interesting and inspirational and I will write whatever comes to mind when I look at it. I will eventually try to do the same with music, but for now I will stick with the visual. Hopefully something interesting will come from these practices and I will start writing again. I know it will thrill my mom... She thinks I should be published already and it vexes her that I don't write more often. Lol. Well... I suppose that's all for this blog... I'll be back later with a writing exercise!! Cheers!!


  1. Hey let me read your stories when you're done? PLEASE? ^__^ You know I love stories, especially if they're written by someone I know!

  2. Lol. I intend to post them on here and would love love love your opinion on them sweets! :) Btw... I'm waiting for a good hair day to send you a pic of my new haircut. Lol.
