Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I had a thought about what might be a good solution to my problem of getting back to school. I asked mom if she thought grandma would put the $545 I owe on her credit card and then I could pay her back once I get my financial aide. Mom thinks she probably would do that, but that leaves me with another problem... Asking Grandma. -sigh- I hate doing things like that.. I always feel so bad. Feels like that's all I ever call her for is favors. So, I'm waiting on dad to come home and I'll get his opinion.. I really want this to be an easy fix though. If dad thinks it's an ok idea, I'll just cowgirl up and call. I need to get back to school.. Cheers!
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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keeping Secrets is Hard!

So.. Travis and Dani came over to drop off Little Miss Precious so they could go to the Crawfish Festival. It was so hard for me not to talk to her belly! Lol. The minute we found out she was pregnant with Jena we started talking to her. Lol. I'm so excited knowing my niece or nephew is growing in there! :D I can't wait til she tells everyone! It's especially hard keeping it from Staci.. I tell her everything! -sigh- Oh well.. It's just a few weeks. I'll manage! Lol. Cheers!
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Friday, May 13, 2011

To Hell and Back

I always seem to be updating this... Lol. It is always my intention to write daily, and I never do. Hmm.. I'll try to fix that. I did just upload the droid on my phone.. Maybe that'll make it easier to do. :) Anyway... The title of this blog describes the past six months this family has survived. In October, my defibrillator fired, and I spent four days in the hospital. While there, it was discovered that the lead on it is weakening. As is the battery, now that it fired. Lol. So, that will have to be replaced... Possibly within the year. And it's gonna have to be open heart. My third. -Sigh- The good news is, in February I went for an appointment and I seem to have stabilized. That's me. That's where I am. Jena quit walking around Halloween. When we took her to the hospital the next week, they did an MRI and found a tumor in her chest, the size of an orange. They did emergency surgery and removed 20% of it, which was enough for them to biopsy, and to allow her to begin walking again. They diagnosed her with neuroblastoma, and she went through about four rounds of chemo. They discovered that the chemo wasn't working the way they wanted it to, so they opted to do surgery earlier than they would have before. They went in expecting to get maybe 50% of the tumor, and they were able to get 95%!!! She is doing soo good!! She's so strong and brave. They took another MRI in April, and they found two spots that they weren't sure about, but they think that it's just scar tissue. They're taking another MRI next month, I think. So, we're in a waiting pattern on that. Dani's grandfather fell while her grandma was gone out of town, and he's been in the hospital for about two months now, in and out of ICU. When they took him in he was dehydrated and was in renal failure. They're saying now that he's in congestive heart failure. So, again, another waiting pattern. -Sigh- But, for now, we're all stabilized and safe. That's the best that can be said. I did get good news today.. News that I'm the FIRST to get! Dani is pregnant!!!! I'm so excited. I want a nephew!!! :D:D:D:D Anyway.. That's all to write for now... Cheers!!