Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The Twilight Saga
**SPOILER ALERT** If you have not read all of the books, or you are not reading them at all, and you're just watching the movies, I make comments that may give away pertinent information that you might not want to know yet!! Read at your own risk! :D
I've read Vamp lore ever since I can remember. Vampires, Werewolves, Wizardry, Fae Creatures, Ghosts... Those things just fascinate me. Always have.. Always will. It aggravates me to no end that ever since Mrs. Meyers has come out with her books, everyone forgets about authors like Anne Rice and Laurell K. Hamilton. (Two of the most notable contemporary writers of vampire stories since Bram Stroker in my opinion along with the lady who writes the series TruBlood is based off of.) I actually had this conversation.. I was sitting at school during my lunch break and reading a vampire book, I can't recall the title now, but that is unimportant. At any rate, one of these little emo freak wanna be scene kids who might actually think she is a vampire sits next to me and sneers at me...
"I bet you're a Twilight fan aren't you? God it makes me sick that people read that shit, they're not even real vampires!"
-Glancing at the cover of my novel- "This isn't a Twilight book."
"But you've read them haven't you?"
"Yeah, I've read the first one, it's pretty good actually."
"So now you're a vamp fan all of sudden huh? Have you ever read a real vampire book?"
"Well, I'll admit I've not actually read Dracula or anything, but I have read quite a few "real" vampire books.. I'm a big fan of Anne Rice."
"Who's Anne Rice?"
"...." I was flabbergasted, could she be serious?! The blank look told me that apparently she was.
"She wrote Interview With a Vampire...?"
"Oh!! That was a book?!"
"......." Gah!!!!!! I wanted to slap her!! What a silly little snivelling child!! I couldn't believe it.. I got up and left before I hurt her. I know that Interview was a great movie, and of course the younger generations are going to remember it, but how could you not know it's a book?!?! Even if you don't read, you could notice that it says in the movie title, "based on the book by..." Jeesh.
Anyway, I did read the Twilight series. I read it because I am a fan of vamp lore. I am NOT a fan of vamp lore BECAUSE I read it. News flash kiddos.. The Cullens are NOT the first vamp family ever in literary existance. As a matter of fact, no offense, but they are a very watered down, sissified version of the real mythical creature. Not that I don't love 'em... but it's true. Not only that, but Jacob's pack? Not the first werewolves, sorry, shapeshifters, they're not children of the moon. (If you've read the last book you understand the qualification, if not.. You'll get there.)
So you're probably wondering what brought on this rant.. I didn't intend for it to be a rant, it's just sort of turned into one. I recently finished the series.. I had to wait FOREVER to get my hands on the last book.. but I finally recieved it as a gift from my grandmother. Actually, I got the last 2 books the first movie and a New Moon movie guide book thingie that's pretty cool.. anyway.. I read the book in like, 3 days. It only took that long because we had Jena and so we were out doing things and I couldn't devote hours on end to reading like I usually do. ANYWAY.. It's actually a damned good series. I'm kind of sad that it's come to an end. Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll continue it. I figure, she can write at least 8 books and still make them into movies, look at Harry Potter. I would like to see more of the characters. Bella's actually a whole new character now! Lol. Not to mention Renesmee.. I would like to find out what becomes of her and Jacob... I truly admire Mrs. Meyer's ability to make the audience connect with her characters. I bawl like a baby all through New Moon when I read it. I haven't seen New Moon the movie yet though. I'm kind of afraid to. I feel an emotional connection with the characters in the book and that's missing from the movies. Well, the first one anyway. They cut out so much of the true dialogue, which is mostly Bella and Edward, and in doing so, they leave out some very pertinent information, which I don't know how they are going to handle in the remaining films. But, also in an effort to show other relationships besides Bella and Edward they make up dialogue between all the kids in the movie. Which is stupid. It's perfectly done in the books... The books ARE about the relationship between Bella and Edward, and eventually, Jacob... the only important outside characters are eventually, Sam and the other members of the pack, Bella's dad Charlie, and the Cullen Family. They didn't have to make a big deal of Jessica and Eric and the others, other than to show the boy's interest in Bella. But.. They had to try and form other relationships I suppose, so the first movie has a lot of added dialogue that doesn't exist in the book, and as a result it's stilted and awkward and the relationships seem rushed and strained. I suppose this doesn't bother the billions who watch the movies solely and don't bother with the book but to the fans who have read it, it's an issue. For me. Anyway.. I'm done.. I've really got nothing else to say.. I'm just bored at work. Of course, the one day I don't bring anything to do Gigi decides she wants to hide in her room! Ugh. Oh well. Lots of love!! Cheers!
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Last night we went to my grandparents house to have our gift exchange, and except for my moment of retardation where I left my cell phone in the truck all night it was a good night. (Sorry Beloved!! :( ) I got a camera, which is awesome!! My brother and sister in law came and my grandpa got to see his great grand daughter for the very first time last night and it was amazing! I wish I had gotten a picture of the look on his face. It was the sweetest thing ever. Tonight we're having a little family thing at home, I think my sister's bf is coming and we will have fondue and open our Christmas Eve gifts (Pajamas) Before going to bed and waiting for Santa!! :D I hope I'm able to sleep tonight. I'm so excited! I love you my Beloved, and I wish you were in my arms tonight. J'Adore!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I really enjoy work, but I can't wait for it to be over today!! We're going to my grandparents for Christmas tonight. I'm so excited. And thn tomorrow is Christmas Eve!! Yay! I really hope Gigi likes the blanket I made for her. :) I can't wait to give it to her. And we get to open our pajamas tomorrow. :) I can't wait to see what kind momma got us this year. I'm so sleepy.. I need a nap. Lol. My sister cut her hair today, and it's shorter than mine!! I'm afraid either my dad or my mom is going to kill her, but it looks really cute. Lol. Oh, and Beloved, I know that you got from my last blog that I will be busy tonight, but I still expect to hear from you darling!! :P I miss you Beloved. Hmmm.. I think I'll nap now.. Cheers!! :D
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
3 Days Until Christmas!!
I'm so excited! The only thing that saddens me is that my darling Beloved can't be here with me. Someday darling I promise we will be together at Christmas time and it will be the most amazing thing ever!! We've been preparing for the Christmas all week. Monday we started out making all the treats for the goodie baskets we hand out. We made fudge and divinity and chocolate covered pretzels with red and green sprinkles and peppermint bark... My mom bought these cute little snowman tins and we packed them up and handed them out to neighbors and my sister's boyfriend's parents. Tonight I have to do Gigi's blanket that I'm making her for Christmas because Wednesday we are going to be going to Grandma and Grandpa's to do our gift exchange with them and then Thursday is Christmas Eve and we have family and such coming to the house. Then Christmas day we'll have a big dinner. We are having steaks and Crawfish Etoufee and Boiled Shrimp and French bread.. Not very traditional maybe, but it's good. We save the tradition for Thanksgiving. :) Christmas Eve we'll have Fondue as well. It's fun. I love Christmas with my family. I cannot wait to have my beloved by my side some day. I love you soo soo soo soo soo soo soo much my darling!! Forever and ever.
Yet again a zippy name eludes me.. Oh well. Work is going to be busy today I think.. The Occupational Therapist is here for Gigi and the Physical Therapist is here for Gigi.. And she seems to think the nurse is coming today as well, but I think that's tomorrow. We just can't get all our ducks in a row.. The lack of communication around here is horrible. We have to sit down and get a schedule worked out. Ugh.. I'm just tired lately.. We had a bad night last night my Beloved and me, but we worked everything out and we'll be just fine. J'Adore my darling! That's all I can think of to write about..... Hmmm.
Monday, December 21, 2009
2009: Bad Year for Hollywood
This was a horrible year for Hollywood! We just learned of the loss of Britney Murphy who died of cardiac arrest at 32 years of age which is way too young! She was one of my favorite actresses... I can't think of a movie I didn't enjoy her in. So many talented people died this year. Farrah Fawcett succumbed to her cancer.. Michael Jackson died of a heart attack.. Patrick Swayze succumbed to cancer.. And now Britney Murphy and her heart attack.. (I know there are many more, I just can't think of or list all of them..) It's really sad. And after Anna Nicole Smith's death anytime a person dies in Hollywood they dig through their lives and try to find something scandalous to talk about! It's frustrating to see someone you liked be torn apart after their death. And it's not fair! These people were hounded enough in life, why can't they let them rest in peace? Not every person in Hollywood has a drug problem or some other scandal in their background. Leave them alone. Anyway.. Sorry, I had to rant.. I'm done now. :)
Physical Therapy and Bad TV
Gigi's having her physical therapy right now. This is not something she enjoys at all!! Lol. I can see the aggravation all over her. Worse though, the therapist is getting aggravated with her too.. She needs to not show it as much. It's kind of amusing.. Gigi doesn't think that she needs therapy at all. Maybe she doesn't.. but a little physicality never hurt anyone. More disturbing to me though is the fact that I'm actually starting to be interested in what happens in the stupid soap operas Gigi watches! Ack!! I can't believe I'm watching this drivel. But honestly it's the best thing we watch all day what with the news and the View! Ugh. Well, I have to make lunch. Cheers!! Love you Beloved! :D
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Decorations
I remembered that I would blog an update when we finished our decorations! We finally finished this week.. The only picture I don't have is of the lights on the 2 little plants in front of our house! Lol. I'll get that later. :) Anyway.. The pictures say it all.
Catch Up
So.. My beloved brought it to my attention that I haven't blogged in a while. I sat down at my computer a million times and signed onto the site, but I couldn't put my thoughts into words! It's somewhat frustrating. My mind is something like a hamster on a wheel these days.. running around and around. At the center of the wheel of course is Christmas!! I'm so excited!! Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I'm always so sad when it's over though. I'm also thinking a lot about work. I'm worried about Gigi.. and as horrible as this sounds what I will do about employment if something happens to her. And I also always have my Beloved on my mind as well. Now I'm a bit worried. She's so far away and there is someone else in her life that she feels close to. I'm not really scared that she'll stop loving me.. I'm just... Idk what I'm afraid of. I was already so jealous of this person and knowing how she feels just makes it worse. Idk what to do. She feels so guilty, and there's really no need for her to feel that way. She blames herself for so much and is afraid I'm unhappy with her... I wish I could help her understand that she is my happiness. I will never ever find someone who completes me the way she does. I adore my darling. I don't even know what else to talk about.. I just can't seem to organize my thoughts lately. I love you sweetheart!!! Cheers!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
My New Laptop!!
I have the best neighbor ever!!! He fixed my computer so now it can go online!! Yay! Now I have something to do tomorrow while I'm sitting at the hospital with Gigi. Poor Gigi... they're putting in some kind of filter thing to hold the bloodclot in her leg so it won't go up to her heart or her head and she's going to be in a lot of pain tomorrow. I'm glad I'll be able to be there for her, but at the same time, I'm so afraid of her crying again!! It broke my heart when she would cry today!! I don't like what they are doing to my Gigi one bit!! But, I know it will make her better. All I can do is pray for her. Anyway... This laptop is awesome!! I was able to download Yahoo! Messenger on it and I got to see my Beloved on webcam!! She's so amazingly beautiful!!!! I love you darling!! Cheers!
The Other Side of the Hospital Bed...
Sucks! I spent all day in the hospital with Gigi and it's miserable. They wouldn't let her eat... Everytime she would doze off someone would come in and wake her... 3 people had to stick her twice each before they could get a new IV in and take out the old one, which had started to swell.. Then they came in and told her she couldn't get up out of bed because she had a blooclot in her leg... The poor thing was so miserable she broke down and cried a few times! But the nurse we had up there was great, she calmed her down and told her that God was there looking after her and was really sweet to her. Finally as I was leaving they told her she could eat and she was so happy! So, at least tomorrow will be easier since she'll be able to eat. Hopefully Daren will be able to fix my laptop and I'll have a computer tomorrow. :) Well... That's all for now... Sittin here listening to Christmas music and relaxing. Cheers!!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sorry, I couldn't think of a catchy title. Lol. I'll make up for not blogging yesterday in this blog though. :)
So, yesterday was a busy, busy day. First Gigi's physical therapist and nurse both came by to see her. Finally they both left and I fed a starving Gigi, and she laid down to rest. Shortly she was complaining that her side was hurting. I called the nurse, told her of the complaint and that the same pain had awakened her the night before. The nurse assured me that it was a pulled muscle, it went away and Gigi fell asleep. I continued cleaning house and then laid around on the couch. When I got home my dad had gone and gotten my sister in law's computer that I'm hoping to be able to get fixed and buy from her. I fought with that, and then I helped decorate the tree! Finally!! Now all we have to do is put the last of the lights on the house and we're ready for Santa!! Yay! Lol.
Today started out eventful. When I got to April's house, I started out getting Gigi's breakfast ready as I always do and April came in and told me not to do that just yet because we might be going to the emergency room. Gigi's side pained her through the night and when she woke up and got out of bed she was feeling dizzy. We got her up and got her dressed then bundled her into the car and drove up to the hospital. The emergency room was blessedly empty, and they got her back into a bed quickly. I sat out in the waiting room for a few hours before my neighbor was able to take me home. They finally found out that her potassium was low, and she was passing a kidney stone. (Strained muscle indeed!! Hmph!) They admitted her to the hospital, so I didn't think I would be working, but it turns out I will be going up to the hospital to sit with Gigi tomorrow while everyone is at work. I hate hospitals, but I'm willing to go and sit with Gigi.
My ear is no better. Well, it doesn't hurt as bad, so that's a plus. But they're both clogged now and I can't hear! I am calling the doctor I saw about it tomorrow and see if I can't get something else for it.
Well, I think I'm finally caught up! Lol. I suppose I will have more to write about tomorrow, and I'll put up pictures of all the decorations once the house is through. Until then, Cheers!! Love you my Beloved!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Lighting Our Christmas Tree... What an Adventure!!
Our tree once all the lights decided to cooperate...










First Day at Work!
Has been great. Mrs. Shirley has been so sweet all day, not a sign of Stroke Shirley! WooHoo! Had such an easy day. Got here and made her breakfast and helped her get her medicine, then she walked around the house, since it's too icky outside to go out of doors, and took a nap. (I napped a bit too... Lol.) Then we had lunch and I gave her more medicine and we watched Soap Operas, Lord help me! Lol. We got in another short nap before Johnnie (the grandson) came home and scared us both to death at the back door and now we're watching tv and waiting for Oprah to come on and her daughter to get home. It's an easy job, and I'm really enjoying it! Hopefully tonight we'll finish decorating the Christmas tree!! (Remind me to write about the adventure with the lights last night, complete with photos!! Lol.) That's all for now. Cheers!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
My Day
It started out talking to my Beloved, which is always wonderful! Then I went with my next door neighbor, the one I'm going to be working for and got reacquainted with his mom and his sister. His mom was so sweet today. I've been told not to expect that to last. Apparently there's GiGi and then there's Stroke Shirley. Stroke Shirley is apparently not very nice, but I will deal with it. When I got back home, I got my niece and we laid in bed watching Harry Potter until we both fell asleep. After a long, long nap we got up and move stuff around getting ready for the Christmas tree. We're going to eat dinner and then hopefully decorate! That's my day.. I got to go to bed early so I can get up and go to work tomorrow! Feels pretty good to say that... Until next time.... I love you Beloved!! <3
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I haven't had an ear infection in such a long time that I'd forgotten how horrible they are!! My ear feels as though someone has taken a hot needle to my eardrum! I've done nothing but sleep for the past three days and I've woke up crying everynight with my ear killing me. My eardrum busted and I'm still miserable! What's worse is I have been getting dizzy spells and I have to start work Monday! Ugh.. I don't know how I'm going to get through the day if I don't feel any better. The worst part of this however, is that my Beloved has been feeling neglected! I'm so sorry my darling! I love you so much!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Stupid Ear Infection!
Ugh!! I have not been in such physical agony in so long!! I was actually curled up in my bed crying earlier! It feels like someone has taken a hot needle to my eardrum. :( I got some drops, and they finally worked the 2nd time I applied them. I'm going to clinic tomorrow to get some medicine probably.. Idk how it's going to work because I'm supposed to be going with my new employer to lunch and then to deliver some chicken pot pies to some elderly ladies... (Idk why...) Anyway.. I'm going to take my medicine and go to bed!! :) Goodnight.
Old Lady Sitting
So, I've been searching for a job for a really long time, and I finally got lucky. Our next door neighbors, who I've known my whole life offered me a position as a companion for his mom. She's been in poor health, and she just had a stroke. She tends to forget things, so I am charged with taking care of her. I'll just sit with her, do some light cleaning and cooking. It should be pretty easy, though by all accounts the lady's not always the most pleasant. Maybe she'll be ok with me since I'm not family! Lol. Anyway, I already have plans for the money.. Lol. First off, I want to buy a few Christmas gifts if I can. Then I need to get insurance and get to my doctor. He's probably not going to be very happy with me for missing my appointment either.. Eek.. Then I'll pay off the debt I owe the school from the semester before last and hopefully enroll in classes for the next semester. I also want to buy a laptop and buy the internet card from my brother and sister in law that they are not going to need when they move into their new apartment. If I can get those things I'll be able to get online anytime I want!! Lol. More time with my Beloved! Then I suppose I should pay for driving lessons and get my license. Once I have the things I have to have taken care of, every dime I can spare will be saved to buy a plane ticket so I can visit my Beloved! I'm actually really excited to start working. :)
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
My Beloved and I have had some problems lately, but I know that it will all work out somehow. We love each other, and we're meant to be together. I would move Heaven and Earth for her. You know... I thought I was in love before... and when that person left me, I was devastated. I felt as though my heart was torn to shreds and I would never love again. But then I met my Beloved. I tried to resist my heart's feelings for a long time, but I was unable to, and now, she is the beat of my heart... My very soul. The feelings I have in my heart now are so much bigger than anything I ever felt before. I was a fool to let the person before ruin me the way he did... But she put her arms around me and filled me with love and healed me. Now I realize that the feelings I had for him meant nothing. This is real love. This will last much longer than anything else ever could. It's the timeless love that not even death can end. My Beloved and I will be together someday, somehow. I love you darling.
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